

We received many e-mail asking who writes the blog, is usually the Walter, but today I’m writing, because today we had a bad hair day.
We waited to open the bank to exchange U$150 for soles (334.00). We start road on the route. After traffic Walter ride faster and a police car come and asked to us stoppet, they wanted to impose a fine of 668.00 soles, Walter hates to pay bribes, so I offered S/50 to not retain the bike, the dirty cops wanted more, I gave more S/50, they said that wasn’t good, they wanted S/668, then I asked my money back and said that we don’t had more. They don’t gave me, but leave we go on. Few miles more had a toll (bike not paid), and another cop stopped us, and there were more 40 soles, because we don’t had insurance SOAT.
We passed the whole morning going from bank to bank, to make it and someone told us that the bike and for foreigners only in Lima, we decided to continue without insurance. More 12km and others cops stop saying we were speeding, there was too much! No bribes and even then they released us. Walter rode all the time behind a bus or truck to the cops don’t see us more. Than we were so slow that even our shadow passed us. Imagine having to walk between 70 to 100km per hour on the Pan-American in the desert! The Pacific is our right and left the desert, with montains with several colors like green, earth and yellow with the golden sunset , and to further beautify came a rainbow along the mountains.
With the delay we had in the morning, we ran only 473 kms and arrived in Chimbote at 8PM. Tomorrow we intend to arrive in Piura 550 km from here.

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