

The road was good on this course, except for a 50 Km track. The day started cloudy, then a rain came to join us until Porto Velho and a beaultiful day showed until the arrival on Rio Branco/AC. Today, after more than 3000 Km, we were stopped by officers on the entrance of Acre state, but they only wanted to chat. The police was so glad he found people from Parana he added, "I have a middle brother there, from my father's adventures...", and after some more talking they let us go. Today we had to use a ferry boat on Madeira river, which is very full due to the rains. The ferry was a little high and a tractor provided a bank to boarding so there was a lot of mud to go through, our bike sank but we made it. It was hader for the trucks so we lost almost two hours between the boarding and crossing the river. The landscape today was basicaly pasture with a lot Buritis, with a strech of about 30 Km of flooded land os the sides.
Today we rode 763 Km.

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